Poster Session 2 |
| Parameterization of Boundary-layer Processes |
| | P2.1 | Assessment of numerical weather forecasts using satellite land surface temperatures John M. Edwards, Met Office, Exeter, United Kingdom |
| | P2.2 | Fog Forecasting Using Synergy between Models of Different Complexity: Large-Eddy Simulation, Column Modelling and Limited Area Modelling G.J. Steeneveld, Wageningen University, Wageningen, Netherlands; and M. Masbou, C. C. van Heerwaarden, C. Mohr, W. Schneider, M. Müller, A. Bott, and A. A. M. Holtslag |
| | P2.3 | Evaluation of two turbulence parameterization schemes in the Community Climate System Model and their representation of the diurnal cycle Jenny Lindvall, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden; and G. Svensson |
| | P2.4 | PDF parameterization of boundary layer clouds and turbulence at resolutions that permit deep convection Vincent E. Larson, Univ. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI; and D. P. Schanen, M. Wang, M. Ovchinnikov, and S. J. Ghan |
| | P2.5 | Study on the Positioning of Sounding Balloon Drifting associated with a process of Gale and Temperature Drop using MM5 Li Wei, China Meteorological Administration, Beijing, China; and J. Lei, L. Shuyan, Z. Jun, and H. Lei |
| | P2.6 | Identifying parameters to describe local land-atmosphere coupling M. Ek, NOAA/NWS/NCEP, Suitland, MD; and C. Jacobs, J. A. Santanello, and O. Tuinenburg |