The simulation data shows the development and evolution of heterogeneity induced mesoscale circulations (secondary circulations, SC), that are superimposed on the turbulent flow and spanning the entire boundary layer. Depending on the background wind velocity, which varied between 2m/s and 6m/s, local or roll-like structures are observed and extracted with the aid of an ensemble-averaging method. This study follows the hypothesis, that the bulk of the SC structures is explainable by a linear correlation between the underlying surface heat flux and the vertical velocity of the SCs, especially for distinct roll-like structures. To prove this hypothesis, a correlation analysis method was developed, that takes into account the background wind and thus the effect of advection. The method was applied to data from an idealized study with a constant heterogeneous surface forcing and to one realistic simulation case with time-dependent surface forcing. We show that there is evidence to suggest, that the hypothesis is valid for both, the idealized and the realistic cases and that it is possible to calculate a length, which determines the upstream fetch of the surface heat flux, which is responsible for SC structures.