On the global scale, soils contain four-times more carbon (C) than the atmosphere and the magnitude of annual soil CO2 efflux (Rs) is nearly an order of magnitude higher than anthropogenic C emissions. However, considerable uncertainties still exist concerning the biophysical controls of Rs and its possible feedback to climate change. We report continuous measurements of Rs made with automated chambers, and its biophysical controls in two different aged (20 and 60 years old, hereafter known as HDF88 and DF49, respectively) Douglas-fir stands on Vancouver Island, Canada. The two stands, located within similar biogeoclimatic units of the dry maritime Coastal Western Hemlock subzone, CWHxm, are on humo-ferric podzol soils with similar concentrations of C and N measured in the surface organic and mineral soil layers with a somewhat thicker surface organic layer at HDF88. HDF88 with an average tree height of about 8 m has a dense, mainly deciduous, understory, whereas understory at DF49 is sparse. The mean annual temperature and precipitation are 9.6 and 8.6°C and 1610 and 1470 mm at HDF88 and DF49, respectively, and soil water deficits frequently occur in August, September and October.
Our multi-year (2004-2009 at DF49 and 2006-2009 at HDF88) continuous measurements showed that both daily and hourly Rs values in the two stands showed different types of responses to shallow-depth soil temperature (Ts) and volumetric soil water content (q). While daily Rs followed a quadratic relationship with Ts at HDF88 with a maximum at a Ts of 13 °C, it increased exponentially at DF49 throughout the range of measured Ts. Similarly, daily Rs at HDF88 increased with q, reached a maximum at a q of 0.11 m3 m-3 and declined thereafter, whereas it linearly decreased with q at DF49 over the entire range of q. Time series analysis revealed that a photosynthetic signal (from eddy-covariance-measured gross ecosystem photosynthesis, GEP) in chamber-measured Rs appeared at different temporal scales in the two stands. On the annual scale, daily Rs lagged behind daily GEP by about 3 weeks at DF49 with no lag at HDF88. However, on the seasonal scale, daily Rs lagged behind daily GEP by 12 days at both sites but only in the cool and wet season (November-March). These lags corresponded with the 12-day lag of air temperature (Ta) behind solar irradiance (So) during the cool and wet season at both the sites. On the other hand, daily Rs values showed no lags with respect to GEP during the warm and moist (April-July) and warm and dry (August-October) seasons. On the diurnal scale, half-hourly Rs values lagged behind half-hourly GEP by 4 hours, which corresponded closely with the diurnal lag of Ta behind So. Furthermore, Rs was highly correlated to ecosystem respiration (Re) and GEP but followed slightly different types of relationships at the two sites. The annual ratio of Rs to Re was 0.94 and 0.62 at HDF88 and DF49, respectively. Implications of the results with respect to the possibility and usefulness of incorporating GEP in soil respiration models are discussed.