We choose the data on August 7, 2000 for our study. Due to the patched irrigation working from north to south, there were two drier patches upstream on August 7 to the north of the patch where Site 7 was located. However, the Site 7 patch was still moist on August 7. The fluctuations in the correlation coefficient between u and w also are found to correspond to fluctuations in the latent flux. We chose 6 half-hour runs (2 low Ruw at 12:30 LT and 14:00 LT, 4 adjacent high Ruw at 12:00 LT, 13:00 LT, 13:30 LT, and 14:30 LT) for our analysis. In this study, quadrant and wavelet analysis are used to investigate the effects of low-frequency motions on turbulent fluxes. The run-to-run comparisons of wavelet spectra and cospectra give the spectra density and covariance contribution at different scales, which indicate variations of low-frequency motions and their influence on the vertical motions and exchanges for momentum and scalars. Their flux contributions occur at the low-frequency parts, or the higher frequency through modulation effects. Our wavelet analysis of longer time-series data hint the non-stationary background from the low frequency parts.