We analyzed the data during a nocturnal period defined as one when negative net radiation was observed. The result shows that atmospheric radon concentration increases linearly following the change of air temperature from sun set. In addition, the nocturnal increase is found to be negatively correlated with net radiation. These linear relations being realized simultaneously suggest that the nocturnal trend of radon concentration is evaluated from a parameter, air temperature difference divided by net radiation.
In nighttime, stable layer is formed and the atmospheric condition is stabilized. The height of the stable layer is characterized by total amount of net radiation divided by air temperature difference. According the previous study by Italian researcher, the height is also positively correlated with effective mixing height determined from radon concentration and exhalation rate. This means that effective mixing height is related to air temperature difference and net radiation, both of which in turn characterize the nocturnal trend of radon concentration. Based on these discussions, the slopes of the linear trends mentioned above are considered to depend on radon exhalation rate.
In summary, atmospheric radon concentration increases following the formation of nocturnal stable layer and is evaluated from air temperature difference and net radiation.