Isotopic soil flux data suggested root respiration linearly increased from early to peak growth of a corn growing season, accounting for up to 55% of the total soil respiration (FRs) during peak growth. In addition, nightly averages of the isotopic composition of FRs (δRs) were consistently 2 to 4 more depleted than isotopic flux-gradient measurements of gross ecosystem respiration during the same time period. The relatively depleted δRs signal indicates the strong influence of above ground respiration on the total isotopic composition of ecosystem respiration. The chamber-TDL method also revealed strong diurnal patterns in δRs in the agricultural soil plots before crop emergence, consisting of a sharp enrichment of up to 6 from 0700 to 1200 hr followed by a gradual depletion throughout the afternoon and evening. The diurnal δRs signal showed poor overall correlations with soil FR and 5 cm soil temperature but strong correlations with friction velocity and wind speed, suggesting diurnal variation in δRs before crop emergence was caused by turbulence and wind gusts at the surface. During peak corn growth, diurnal variation in δRs was strongly influenced by the isotopic composition of corn root respiration, which enriched nighttime δRs by as much as 7 and daytime δRs by as much as 3. In addition, microbial consumption of root exudates may have also affected diurnal variability in δRs during peak growth. Partitioning of FN into photosynthesis (FP) and respiration (FR) using the chamber-TDL method in a climate controlled greenhouse produced realistic diurnal values for both the corn and soybean treatments. Chamber data indicated the isotopic composition of FN (δN) and the stomatal conductance for CO2 (gc) had the largest influences on estimated FP values. Despite relatively high noise, the stable isotope partitioning method yielded results that were more realistic physiologically on the diurnal time scale than a common temperature-regression partitioning method, which lacked sensitivity to plant-derived processes that affected the component fluxes of FN.