Tuesday, 19 July 2011
Salon B (Asheville Renaissance)
Here we present an update climatology of COLs back to 1908 and forward to 2100 for the whole extratropical Northern hemisphere (from 20ºN to 70ºN) using the method developed by Nieto et al. (2005) based on the conceptual model of COL. Daily geopotential, zonal wind data at 200 hPa and temperature data at 200 and 300 hPa have been extracted from the 20th Century Reanalysis (20CR) for the period 1908-1958 and from the IPCC-AR4 models for the period 2046-2065 and 2081-2100. We used the datasets from NCAR-NCEP to check the coincident period from 1948-1958. The area of COL occurrence, seasonal and monthly cycle were analyzed.