The Shoshone National Forest covers 2.4 million acres of mountainous topography in northwest Wyoming and is a vital ecosystem that provides numerous ecosystem benefits, such as clean water, wildlife habitat, timber, grazing, recreational opportunities, and aesthetic value. A synthesis of the current literature on the potential climate change effects on the Shoshone underscore the limited information about climate in high elevations, and the interactions of ecosystems with climate in remote areas. We use a climate change vulnerability assessment to determine the degree to which critical resources are susceptible to, and unable to cope with adverse effects of climate change. Critical resource values addressed are Yellowstone cutthroat trout, water quantity, and vegetation. We spatially categorize vulnerability for these resources using several projected climate futures, and hydrologic and vegetation models to assess sensitivity and exposure. The recently completed watershed condition assessment by the Forest Service is being used to quantify adaptive capacity of watersheds to climate change. Workshops are planned to engage resource managers in determining exposure thresholds and the management options to aid adaptation. While indices of vulnerability will be determined, the underlying data will be available for examination by resource managers. This case study helps Forest Service resource managers incorporate climate change into forest planning, provides information to help guide monitoring efforts, and assists land managers in the development of adaptation strategies that promote more resilient forest ecosystems undergoing the effects of climate change.