Tuesday, 19 July 2011: 8:30 AM
Salon C1 (Asheville Renaissance)
The climatology of very large precipitation events is a critical component of engineering design and regulations for structures and facilities that must withstand or protect against such events. Numerous analyses have pointed to changes in the frequency of extreme rainfall since the last comprehensive regional precipitation-frequency study for New York and the six New England states in 1961. The changes in extreme rainfall that have occurred during the last 50 years will be presented in terms of their influence on the recurrence interval statistics that form the basis of engineering design criteria. In addition, results from some initial analyses that examine future projections of extreme rainfall frequency will be discussed. The translation of this research into a set of operational tools will also be discussed. In addition, the website, which is expected to launch in summer 2010, will provide a much-needed update of extreme rainfall statistics for New York and New England. A variety of useful text and graphical products will be made available through a user-friendly web portal. In addition to the fixed standard period, which is intended to be a base for regulations and policy decisions, the website will provide access to extreme rainfall statistics through the most recent year. In future years, these updates will provide the necessary information for considering subsequent updates and provide a readily available source of updated statistics.