Tuesday, 19 July 2011
Salon B (Asheville Renaissance)
In this note, climatological summaries of the near surface net all-wave radiation and air temperature over a 15-year measurement period with a REBS net radiometer and aspirated PT100 temperature sensor at two nearby locations, Osu (7o 35'N, 4o 38'E) and Ile-Ife (7o 31'N, 4o 31'E) in the southwest of Nigeria is reported. The radiation measurements which begun in 1995 at Osu, was discontinued and the station was relocated to the present site in Ile-Ife in 1998.
In addition to the cloudiness which is common of the tropical weather conditions, the net radiation data was modified largely by weather variations, as the season changes from the wet to the dry months. Also there is the evidence of the global climate change in the area as manifested by the observed temperature increase and drier conditions at the surface.