Session 3B Future Impacts

Monday, 18 July 2011: 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Swannanoa (Asheville Renaissance)
Host: Practical Solutions for a Warming World: AMS Conference on Climate Adaptation
Benjamin Lee Preston, ORNL, Climate Change Science Institute, Oak Ridge, TN

3:45 PM
Potential impacts of climate change on estimates of probable maximum precipitation
Kenneth E. Kunkel, Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites, Asheville, NC; and D. R. Easterling
4:00 PM
Migration of agriculture to the Southeast as an adaptation to regional climate change
Richard T. McNider, Earth System Science Center, Huntsville, AL; and J. R. Christy
4:15 PM
Looking for analogues of future drought in the northern Chihuahuan Desert
John Nielsen-Gammon, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX; and D. B. McRoberts
4:30 PM
4:45 PM
Perfect Adaptation in Climate Change
James I. MacLellan, York University, Toronto, ON, Canada; and G. Koshida and I. Burton

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner