The dynamics of the seasonal transition are shown to be captured by idealized aqua planet model simulations with a prescribed subtropical zonally-asymmetric planetary-scale sea surface temperature (SST) perturbation. For a sufficiently large SST perturbation there is an abrupt transition to an eddy-dominated circulation in the NH, which captures all of the features seen in reanalysis data. Eddy latent heat transport and variance in the lower troposphere and eddy momentum transport in the upper troposphere control the zonal-mean vertical and meridional flow, respectively. The coupling of the subtropical lower and upper troposphere occurs via a baroclinic stationary wave. The adjustment in the tropical upper troposphere involves seasonal timescale feedbacks between the zonal-mean flow and eddies, including cross-equatorial wave propagation. The results highlight the leading-order role of transport by subtropical anticyclones and Monsoons in the abrupt seasonal transition of the NH general circulation and their impact on the meridional extent of the Hadley and Ferrel cells. The results also suggest that stationary eddy transport should be included in theories of the general circulation and when interpreting the response to climate change.