55 The Cohesive SBUV and SBUV/2 Climate Data Record (1978-2012) and the current status of the ozone profile

Monday, 17 June 2013
Bellevue Ballroom (The Hotel Viking)
Jeannette Wild, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/CPC, College Park, MD; and C. S. Long and S. K. Yang

The SBUV and SBUV/2 series of instruments covers the period from 1978-present using data from Nimbus 7, and NOAAs 9, 11, 14, 16, 17, 18, and 19 satellites. Version 8.6 total and profile ozone retrievals from these instruments were released in the spring of 2012. The new V8.6 algorithm includes ozone absorption cross sections updated to those of Brion, Daumont and Malicet, and cloud-height climatology based on AURA OMI. Most importantly a careful examination of same day same local time measurements from consecutive satellites was made to generate a revised inter-satellite calibration at the radiance level providing the best inter-satellite agreement to date. Nevertheless, small inter-satellite differences remain. We create a climate data record (CDR) for the ozone vertical distribution beyond a simple merging, but by accounting for differences in bias and seasonal cycle of overlapping datasets. The resulting CDR can also be summed for an associated total ozone product. Since the combination technique is created with only internal SBUV(/2) to SBUV/2 comparisons, the result is completely independent of other instruments. This data record has been validated by comparison to UARS and Aura MLS, SAGE II, and lidar and microwave ozone data from the NDACC network. We create a simple climatology from the ozone CDR to which we can compare the recent years' evolution of the ozone profile to the long term record. For example 60N to 60S anomalies from 10hPa to top show an encouraging increase in value since 2008, yet a drop near the end of 2012. Utilizing the “hockey stick” model originally developed by Reinsel et al (2002) which accounts for variations due to the solar cycle, Quasi-Biennial Oscillation (QBO), and the Arctic and Antarctic Oscillations, we can more rigorously evaluate the characteristics of the ozone CDR. We can analyze the latitudinal variability of the ozone trends for both the profile layer and total ozone data records.

Reinsel, G. C., E. C. Weatherhead, G. C. Tiao, A. J. Miller, R. M. Nagatani, D. J. Wuebbles, and L. E. Flynn (2002), On detection of turnaround and recovery in trend for ozone, J. Geophys. Res., 107(D10), 4078, doi:10.1029/2001JD000500.

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