It is found that the mid-latitude circulation response to climate change varies considerably with season and longitude. Various features are identified that do not resemble a poleward shifting of the climatological circulation. For example, in the winter season, the Pacific jet stream shifts equatorward on the Eastern side of the basin with implications for the climate of the west coast of the USA. On the Eastern side of the Atlantic basin, the zonal wind anomalies represent more of an extension of the jet stream rather than a poleward shift, with implications for Mediterranean climate. These features are robust across the model simulations and were also present in the older CMIP-3 ensemble.
The momentum budget of these circulation changes is examined to identify which features of the mid-latitude circulation change are associated with altered transient eddy momentum fluxes and which represent changes in the stationary circulation patterns driven by other processes, with a view to understanding the dynamics behind Northern Hemisphere mid-latitude climate change.