Session 17 Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics III

Friday, 21 June 2013: 8:45 AM-10:00 AM
Viking Salons ABC (The Hotel Viking)
Host: 19th Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics
Thomas Birner, Colorado State Univ., Department of Atmospheric Science, Fort Collins, CO

8:45 AM
An investigation of storm track response to climate change using an idealized dry GCM
Cheikh O. Mbengue, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA; and T. Schneider
9:30 AM
Deducing changes in the extratropical storm tracks in response to idealized SST forcings using Lagrangian diagnostics
Lise Seland Graff, University of Oslo, Norway, Oslo, Norway; and J. H. LaCasce

9:45 AM
Impact of Northeast Pacific large-scale anomalies on the North Atlantic Oscillation
Marie Drouard Jr., CNRM-GAME, Toulouse, France; and G. Riviere and P. Arbogast
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner