9.2 The Top 12 Weather and Climate Events in Colorado for the 2010s

Wednesday, 15 July 2020: 3:30 PM
Virtual Meeting Room
Paul T. Schlatter, NOAA/NWS Forecast Office, Boulder, CO; and M. P. Meyers and P. G. Wolyn

The 2010s were an interested decade in terms of weather and climate events in the state of Colorado. As part of a major social media blitz, the three National Weather Service (NWS) Forecast Offices in the state of Colorado collaborated on a novel project to determine what were the biggest and most unusual events from the 2010s. This presentation will briefly document the event selection process, then be a tag-team between the three co-authors to reveal the top 12. A brief discussion of the meteorology and impacts will be covered for each event.

Supplementary URL: https://www.weather.gov/bou/top_colorado_wxevents_2010s

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- Indicates an Award Winner