2002 SAF National Convention Theme: Forests at Work

Sunday, 6 October 2002: 1:30 PM
P, E2 - Intensive Forest Management Systems Addressing Economic, Environmental, and Social Goals
Pete Bettinger, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR; and D. Gerhardt, B. Holt, and T. Be Announced
This session will highlight industrial forest management in various geographic regions of the US (and possibly Canada). Presenters will show how their company/ organization manages a specific region of their land base for maximum yield (typical management scenarios) while also addressing environmental and social concerns. Companies with creative strategies to manage their forests at the landscape or watershed level will be a major component of this session.

This session would probably have a strong SFI flavor, but an include approaches to other Environmental Management systems. Westvaco, for example, has a management system called: “Ecosystem Based Multiple-Use Forest Management”. This management system is comprised of Timber Management zones separated by other zones or corridors (i.e., Habitat Diversity Zones, Water Quality Zones, and Visual Quality Zones). Other companies have conducted watershed analyses that impact the way they manage their forests. As proposed this session will focus on management scenario’s employed in various regions. Loblolly in the SE, Douglas-fir in the PNW, White Pine in the Lake States, Spruce in the NE.

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