2002 SAF National Convention Theme: Forests at Work

Tuesday, 8 October 2002: 8:30 AM
P, B4, 28 - Riparian buffer science: What we have learned and what we still don't know
Charles J. Barden, KSU, Division of Forestry, Manhattan, KS; and R. Lowrance, R. C. Schultz, and M. Dosskey
A panel discussion by leading researchers will provide a state-of-the science update on the effectiveness of riparian buffers to reduce non-point source pollution. Research results spanning several decades will be used to recommend effective buffer establishment and management practices. Through a review of the literature, gaps in the current knowledge base will be highlighted.

Specific authors and presentations from the panel are: Richard Lowrance "Riparian Buffer Research Spanning the 70's to the Present"; Richard Schultz "Riparian Management Systems for Controlling Non-Point Source Pollution"; and Michael Dosskey "Impact of Buffers on Water Quality- What We Still Don't Know".

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