Written in Visual Basic, VB MERCH-LOB is the most recent upgrade of the MERCH-LOB. This timber stand merchandizer and growth and yield model for Loblolly pine in the western Gulf region improves upon the current MERCH-LOB with many interfaces for data inputs to make it truly user-friendly. The growth and yield projector and a timber stand merchandizer of VB MERCH-LOB allow the software to not only project the volume of a future stand but also to determines its value. During the poster session, we will demonstrate the capability of the VB MERCH-LOB to potential users including consulting foresters, landowners, instructors and students.
New knowledge, skills, or insights that participants will gain from session: 1) The capability of VB Merch-LOB in determining the volume and value of a timber stand 2) The use of VB Merch-LOB to project the and the value of a future stand
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