2002 SAF National Convention Theme: Forests at Work

Tuesday, 8 October 2002: 2:15 PM
s, 27 - The Forces of Global Climate Change on Forestry
Robert W. "Robin" Rose, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon
The forestry profession has long been involved in numerous aspects of global climate change. The research programs focusing on global climate change research have had a tremendous impact on the public consciousness as it relates to foresters, forest policy, forest management, and wood products. Forestry has born the brunt of great criticism for carbon dioxide emissions from the cutting of old growth forests and other practices. Ironically, foresters and the public have failed to realize that cement making and fossil fuels emit most of the carbon. A seminal part of this paper is the fact that even the researchers in carbon research admit to numerous contradictions surrounding global climate change models. This paper explores those contradictions including the biggest one of all. Reseach has shown that cutting some forests is suspected of cooling the planet, while cutting other forests warms the planet. The battle for who is or is not correct has not served forestry or the public well.

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