2002 SAF National Convention Theme: Forests at Work

Monday, 7 October 2002: 3:00 PM
FF, 28 - Crummies Creek Tree Farm
Mary M. Chapman, Forest Stewards Guild, Santa Fe, NM; and R. Richardson

Crummies Creek Tree, a non-industrial private forest, covers approximately 1100 acres and is located in Calhoun County, West Virginia in one of the most economically depressed areas of the eastern US. Calhoun County is over 90% forested and is in the center of the Mesic hardwood forest. During the past 100 years, most of the property has been logged repeatedly, burned extensively and cleared for subsistence agriculture. The woodlands of Crummies Creek Tree Farm have been under intense management for the past twelve years. Forest management activities have emphasized rehabilitation from past abuses and enhancement of the potential quality and value of developing sawtimber while simultaneously expanding the options for production of medicinal herbs and other related non-timber forest products. Several hundred acres of the property contain native populations of important medicinal plants of globally commercial value. Crummies Creek Tree Farm has been used extensively in educational programs for both private property owners and foresters with the emphasis of educational efforts directed towards forest improvement and economic development. Several wildlife habitat improvement projects have been completed and permanent tree growth measurement plots have been added annually since 1996. Crummies Creek Tree Farm was recognized as a Stewardship Demonstration Forest by the WV Division of Forestry in 1999 and has been used as a reference or listed as a cooperator in several ongoing economic development projects in central West Virginia. Crummies Creek has also been designated a Model Forest by the Forest Stewards Guild.

The property is owned by Russ Richardson, WV Registered Forester # 263 and his cousin, John Richardson, an attorney from Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts.

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