2002 SAF National Convention Theme: Forests at Work

Wednesday, 9 October 2002: 11:15 PM
TM, 25.5 - Forest Inventory/Timber Products Output Mapmaker Web-applications Demo
Patrick D. Miles, USDA, Saint Paul, MN; and J. S. Vissage
The North Central FIA unit has developed two new data distribution websites - the Forest Inventory Mapmaker Web site and the Timber Products Output Web site.

The Forest Inventory Mapmaker can be used by anyone with access to a web browser. The user inputs the following information: 1) geographic area of interest (state/county retrieval or radius retrieval) 2) attribute of interest (timberland area, number of trees, growing-stock volume, etc.) 3) optional filters (for restricting the query to a specific ownership, species, etc.) 4) classification variables to be used for columns and rows and the web application generates the resulting table. If the user selects County or Congressional District as the row variable a shaded county map or shaded Congressional District map is generated.

The Timber Products Output Web site works in similar fashion to describe roundwood products harvested, logging residues left behind, timber otherwise removed, and wood and bark residues generated by primary wood-using mills.

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