2002 SAF National Convention Theme: Forests at Work

Sunday, 6 October 2002: 1:30 PM
3D Technology for Management and Fire Protection
Paul Huffman, Huffman & Associates, Inc., Apopka, FL; and P. Lopez
GIS files come alive! Discussion: seven technologies have been combined into one system that minimizes the effort required documenting field activities and studies. Useful for coordinating large-scale wildland firefighting efforts, daily management, and field study activities of foresters.

This session will objectively describe the new capabilities of off-the-shelf software that combines GPS, GIS, Communications, Data generation, RMS, and Operations. Current operations require review of many different data sets to compile an accurate situational picture. Often times, due to time delay, the situation may well have changed and critical operational decisions have to be made based on historical information.

With the advent of this new technology, critical decisions can be made intuitively and in real-time since all the data required is graphically presented as it occurs. Additionally, all of the GIS data and fieldwork can be compiled into quick reference in the event that it needs to be called upon for future use. E.g.: Pine beetle infestation studies can be mapped instantly and reports attached. Follow-up studies can be easily compared to historical data to determine the effectiveness of mitigation efforts. Fire protection officers easily reference the file in the event that the subject area is threatened by wildfire. Joint data files create a more effective agency.

Safety of field personnel is substantially enhanced since search and rescue is effectively reduced to driving time. No longer will personnel have to try to describe to their rescuers that they are injured and are located in some remote location. Wordy ineffective communication over networks is now outdated.

New knowledge, skills, or insights that participants will gain from session: 1) Learn about state-of-the-art capability of advanced GPS/GIS software that automatically maps field activities in real time; and record tracks of field units, even in three dimensions. Phenomenal capabilities in the fields of planning, fire tactics, management studies, and training. 2) Learn of advanced digital communications capabilities over existing voice networks. Such as reducing eight hours of tactical communications into two hours of voice, and report filing with mapping capabilities from the field. 3) Determine how these technologies effectively become field force multipliers, and artificially create manpower. It offers superior administrative capabilities.

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