2002 SAF National Convention Theme: Forests at Work

Sunday, 6 October 2002: 3:30 PM
A Sustainable Forest
TB Determined, BASF, RTP, NC
Learn the Benefits of Herbicide Use

Your forestland is an investment. Land management with tools like ArsenalŪ herbicide, Applicators Concentrate, ChopperŪ herbicide and OneStepTM herbicide improve the value of your forest and can lead to a more productive, healthy and sustainable resource.

By managing your forestland, you'll not only improve the habitat, you'll enjoy better hunting and outdoor recreation, plus a return on your investment.

Using herbicides, you can improve habitat by removing undesireable plants - plants that compete with valuable wildlife food sources for sun, nutrients and water.

Allowing wildlife-preferred plants to flourish not only attracts larger, more diverse wildlife popultations, it provides cover for nesting and raring yound and increases visibility and accessibility, providing better, safer hunting. And a well-managed, wildlife-filled forest can command premium lease rates from hunters and other outdoor enthusiasts.

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