2002 SAF National Convention Theme: Forests at Work

Monday, 7 October 2002: 2:15 PM
Rugged Field Computers from Juniper Systems
Jan Saalfeld, Juniper Systems, Inc, Logan, UT
Juniper Systems provides high-quality rugged field computers and excellent customer support. Our Allegro allows foresters to affordably collect data in rugged environments. Our new Allegro CE features the Strong-Arm 206 MHz processor and large 1/4-VGA display running Windows CE 3.0. Learn how to justify the purchase of a rugged field computer to automate your forestry data collection and field computing. Learn about the features and specifications of the Allegro CE Rugged Field Pc and its multiple Expansion Pods. See demonstrations of the Allegro CE with integrated GPS receiver for mobile GIS and forest data collection applications.

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