Tuesday, 14 August 2012: 10:30 AM-12:00 PM
1313-DLB Auditorium (National Weather Center)
Host: The 2012 AMS Summer Community Meeting
Elbert W. (Joe) Friday, University of Oklahoma, Lorton, VA and Jessica Voveris, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
Laura Furgione, NWS, Deputy Director for National Weather Service, Silver Spring, MD; Michael Tanner, NCEI, Asheville, NC and Samuel P. Williamson, Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology, OFCM, Silver Spring, MD
The current state of the public sector will be discussed including the health of the sector, the strengths and weaknesses of the sector and the ability of the sector to meet the needs of the nations. The relationships with the other enterprise sectors will be discussed, including the adequacy of input from the academic sector of potential employees.

See more of: The 2012 AMS Summer Community Meeting