Wednesday, 15 August 2012: 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
1313-DLB Auditorium (National Weather Center)
Host: The 2012 AMS Summer Community Meeting
William Hooke, AMS Policy Program, Policy Program, Washington, DC and Amanda Ilk, University Oklahoma, Norman, OK
James Correia Jr., SPC, Norman, OK; Barry Lee Myers, AccuWeather Inc, State College, PA; Bill Gail, Global Weather Corp., Boulder, CO; Donald Lynch, Emergency Management Director for Shawnee and Pottawatomie County, OK, Hometown, OK and Matthew J. Moreland, NOAA/NWS/WFO in Slidell, LA, NWS New Orleans/Baton Rouge Weather Forecast Office, Slidell, LA
The Role of Communication at the Enterprise and Societal Impacts Intersection will be discussed: communication within a weather ready nation.

See more of: The 2012 AMS Summer Community Meeting