Wednesday, 15 August 2012: 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
1313-DLB Auditorium (National Weather Center)
Host: The 2012 AMS Summer Community Meeting
Robert G. Goldhammer, International Association of Emergency Managers, Clive, IA and Charles Kuster, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
Amanda Ilk, University Oklahoma, Norman, OK; Richard Westergard, Shade Tree Meteorology, LLC, Shade Tree Meteorology, LLC, Niskayuna, NY; Jonathan Porter, Accuweather, State College, PA; Tim Brice, NOAA/NWS/WFO in El Paso, TX, Santa Teresa, NM; Michael D. Eilts, Weather Decision Technologies, Inc., Norman, OK; Bruce Thomas, Midland Radio Corp, North Kansas City, MO and Robert Baron, Baron Services, Inc., Huntsville, AL
The Weather Ready Nation is an emerging networked community being redefined and enabled by new technologies. This session will examine how enterprise partners will no longer be limited to climate, water and weather experts. Topics include crowd sourcing and true two-way communication as well as the infusion of new geo-targeted technologies. The future of gaming, mobile media, and moving from science fiction to science fact will be explored and of course how such changes in traditional dissemination and media present challenges and opportunities in a networked world.

See more of: The 2012 AMS Summer Community Meeting