Tuesday, 19 July 2016: 10:30 AM-12:00 PM
Ballroom AB (Embassy Suites Tuscaloosa Alabama Downtown)
Host: 2016 AMS Summer Community Meeting
Don Berchoff, TempoQuest, Las Vegas, NV
Alexander MacDonald, NOAA/ESRL, Earth Systems Research Laboratory, Boulder, CO; Nusrat Yussouf, CIMMS/OU/NSSL, Norman, OK; David Novak, NOAA/NWS/Hydrometeorological Prediction Center, College Park, MD and David R. Vallee, NWS Northeast River Forecast Center, NWS Taunton, MA, Taunton, MA
While forecast skill associated with extreme precipitation events has improved significantly over the years, the science community continues to strive to improve the timing and precise location of these events to drive better hydrologic forecasts and warnings and improvements in water management. This session will explore specific extreme precipitation regimes such as extreme convective events and systems; tropical storms and inland flooding; and non-tropical systems with moist sub-tropical or tropical moist conveyor belts or atmospheric rivers that cause extreme localized or widespread flooding. The session will explore the state of predictability, what are the challenges and what measures can we take to improve?

See more of: 2016 AMS Summer Community Meeting