Wednesday, 20 July 2016: 8:45 AM-10:15 AM
Ballroom AB (Embassy Suites Tuscaloosa Alabama Downtown)
Host: 2016 AMS Summer Community Meeting
Ellen Mecray, NOAA/NESDIS/National Centers for Environmental Information, Taunton, MA
Mike Kalb, NESDIS/STAR, Center for Satellite Application and Research, Camp Springs, MD; David R. Vallee, NWS Northeast River Forecast Center, NWS Taunton, MA, Taunton, MA; Roy Schiff, Milone & MacBroom, Waterbury, VT and Ben Rose, VTrans, Waterbury, VT
Today’s decision-makers are faced with overwhelming access to information on complex environmental issues including water availability in a changing climate. In response to these increasing demands, federal and private entities are building programs to address these challenges and deliver tools for application to the decisions. Building off the lessons from the nation’s Weather Enterprise, the water and climate enterprise will examine the roles of federal partners, academia, and private industry, and the needs of the decision-maker. These sessions will address the service delivery component of the enterprise, and will focus on the roles at each step in the information value chain.

See more of: 2016 AMS Summer Community Meeting