Panel Discussion 5 Challenges & Opportunities Communicating During High Impact Weather Events

Wednesday, 8 August 2018: 10:00 AM-11:30 AM
CG-1 North and Center Bays ( UCAR's Center Green Facility)
Host: 2018 Summer Community Meeting
Erica A. Grow, WNBC, NY

Explore evolving challenges and opportunities with communication from the Weather Enterprise to users found during recent extreme weather events – flash floods, snow squalls, wildfires, last year’s hurricane season, recent winter storms etc. How can we channel these learnings to improve communication of impacts for future events in today’s world of rapid technology change? How do we focus our communications to get people to take action when needed – connecting to various communities? How do we convey confidence information?

10:00 AM
Nate Johnson, NBC Owned Television Stations Group
Nate Johnson, NBC Owned Television Stations Group
10:15 AM
Meredith Garofalo, WeatherNation
Meredith Garofalo, WeatherNation, Englewood, CO
10:30 AM
10:45 AM
Lori Hodges, Director of Emergency Management
Lori Hodges, Director of Emergency Management, Larimer County, CO
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner