OpenET: Filling the Biggest Gap in Water Data for the Western United States (Invited Presentation)
Forrest Melton, NASA ARC-CREST, Moffett Field, CA; and J. Huntington, R. Grimm, J. Herring, D. Rollinson, T. A. Erickson, M. Hall, R. Allen, M. C. Anderson, P. Blankenau, B. Daudert, C. Doherty, J. Fisher, M. Friedrichs, A. Guzman, C. R. Hain, G. Halverson, J. Harding, L. Johnson, Y. Kang, A. Kilic, C. Morton, M. Ozdogan, P. Revelle, M. Schull, G. Senay, and Y. Yang