11B.4 Drop-Size Distribution Retrieval With Dual-Frequency Dual-Polarization Radars

Wednesday, 15 January 2020: 3:45 PM
155 (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Yadong Wang, Southern Illinois Univ., Edwardsville, IL; Southern Illinois Univ., Edwardsville, IL; and L. Tang and P. L. Chang

A new drop size distribution (DSD) retrieval algorithm using dual frequencies dual-polarization radars is proposed in this work. Given the same DSD and drop size shape relation, the reflectivity (Z), specific attenuation and specific differential phase (KDP) for S- and C-band radars are different, which provides the opportunity to retrieve the DSD using dual frequencies observations. This algorithm utilizes radar variables of Z and KDP from S- and C-band polarimetric radars as the inputs. Reflectivity fields from both frequencies are without any attenuation correction. A three-parameter Gamma DSD is assumed in the current work. Specifically, radar data is first processed with a physics based quality control approach to remove those non-precipitations contaminated radar echoes. The forward and backward scattering amplitudes from horizontal and vertical polarizations at S- and C-band wavelengths are then calculated using a T-matrix method. For a given initial DSD assumption, the attenuated Z and KDP from each radar gate are then calculated with the obtained forward and backward scattering amplitudes. Through adjusting the coefficients in the Gamma distribution using a Gauss-Newton method, the DSD from each radar gate can be estimated when the calculated and measured Z and KDP match to each other. The proposed algorithm is validated on two co-located S- and C-band polarimetric radars on Taiwan with three 24-hours stratiform and convective precipitation events. The retrieval results are further validated with Parsivel disdrometers observations.
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