Monday, 13 January 2020: 11:30 AM
252A (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
The Tropical Cyclone LOgistic Guidance for Genesis (TCLOGG) forecast tool has been developed with support from the Joint Hurricane Testbed (JHT) with the ultimate goal of operational implementation at the National Hurricane Center (NHC). TCLOGG provides calibrated TC genesis probabilities within two and five days based on output from four global models (GFS, UKMET, CMC, NAVGEM). In addition, consensus probabilities using information from all four models are available. These genesis probabilities are issued for the North Atlantic and central and eastern North Pacific basins. While NHC’s official review of TCLOGG from the first round of JHT support was favorable in terms of forecast benefit and efficiency, there were evolving software compatibility issues that initially prevented implementation at NHC. This presentation will discuss the recent enhancements made to TCLOGG and highlight changes to the code that made TCLOGG compatible with NHC’s IT infrastructure. Finally, an update will be provided on the progress of implementing TCLOGG on the JHT workstation.