325 Agricultural Microclimate Auto-observatory

Monday, 13 January 2020
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Hai Qiu, Nanning Meteorological Service, Nanning, China; and F. Pang

Agricultural microclimate refers to the climate within the agricultural living environment (such as farmland, orchard, greenhouse, etc.) and the environment of agricultural production activities. The climate within these small environments is closely related to agricultural biology and agricultural production. The agricultural microclimate range (scale) is based on the location of agricultural biological or agricultural production activities, and the vertical direction is within a few meters, generally not more than 20 m; there is no clear regulation in the horizontal direction, as small as several meters, large To hundreds of meters or more. Agricultural microclimate has a major impact on various growth and development, yield formation and aquaculture production activities. Mastering the laws of agricultural microclimate change is of great significance to agricultural production services and scientific research.

The agricultural microclimate auto-observatory is a comprehensive multi-element automatic acquisition and transmission equipment. The auto-observatory consists of four parts: meteorological sensor, meteorological data collector, meteorological environment monitoring software and data transmission (or display). It is suitable for observation data between different places. The transmission and reception, with automatic recording, over-limit alarm and data communication, can be transmitted to the website through mobile communication (4g, etc.) to form an observation network, which is convenient for all parties (farmers) to obtain data. The parameters that can be measured by the farmland microclimate automatic collection and transmission equipment include: soil moisture, soil temperature, air temperature, soil salinity, total radiation, relative humidity of the air, solar radiation, wind direction, wind speed, rainfall, and the like. In addition, these parameters can also be measured for atmospheric pressure, illuminance, direct radiation, sunlight, photosynthetically active radiation, ultraviolet radiation, carbon dioxide, leaf moisture, and the like. The agricultural microclimate observatory can provide a basis for farmers' planting planning and rational crop layout. At the same time, it can also assist farmers to make timely warnings on disaster weather such as drought, flood, low temperature, frost, etc., and arrange in advance to effectively reduce the economic losses caused by disaster weather.

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