Although many software platforms exist to analyze meteorological data, new data from advancements in satellite (e.g., GOES-R), aircraft (e.g., Doppler radar), and numerical weather prediction modeling technologies (e.g., ensembles) make the transition to a common software platform imperative. Research facilities with R2O AWIPS will allow NHC forecasters who use AWIPS on a daily basis to evaluate any aspect of the system enhancements, applications, methods, etc. Forecasters can provide timely, effective feedback to the developers, and the developers can then determine the operational readiness and the utility of their new applications. This two-way communication between forecasters and the developers is imperative to develop and infuse truly beneficial enhancements into operations. This R2O AWIPS collaboration will streamline the process of moving AWIPS enhancements into the operational environment for the betterment of the serving the NHC mission. NHC is now in a position to work closely with developers to help transfer their research and development into operations using the AWIPS software platform, thereby closing traditional large technology gaps that can cripple innovative advancements.
This paper will provide an update on the status of NHC’s transition to AWIPS2 and show examples of products that are being demonstrated as part of R2O projects.