One of the biggest data assimilation challenges for the GFSv16 implementation concerns raising the model top from approximately 55 km to 80 km, with the vertical resolution increasing from 64 layers to 127 layers. New static background error statistics need to be derived as there is currently no climatological background error information above the operational model top. The traditional method of using lagged forecast pairs, known as the NMC method, proves challenging due to the extensive model spin up in the highest levels. An Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) only system could also be used to generate climatological statistics, though care needs to be taken with the presence of large ensemble spread towards the model top.
In this presentation, we will compare static background error statistics derived from the NMC method with those derived from an EnKF only system and discuss their impacts on the assimilation within the GFSv16 framework. Results from single observation impact tests and low resolution cycling experiments will be shown.