3.1 A Public Outreach Overview for NASA Earth Observation Systems and Applications for Health and Air Quality

Monday, 13 January 2020: 2:00 PM
153B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Sue M. Estes, Univ. of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL; and J. A. Haynes and H. Chapman

Researchers in health, air quality, and environmental management need environmental data to study and understand the geographic, environmental, and meteorological differences in how extreme events affect the public well-being. New applications of satellite data offer a unique vantage point and are advancing these fields as well as increasing the impact of public outreach and partnerships between scientists and stakeholders from across the globe.

This presentation discuss a suite of satellite data, products, and applications, this presentation will highlight two new satellite TEMPO and MAIA which will soon be available to assist health and air quality investigators. Also I will be discussing both historical uses of satellite data and its potential for use in applications designed to further the aims of public health, air quality, and environmental groups.

As part of this discussion we will mention previous projects and how they used outreach to promote their projects as well how NASA communications can assist the researchers in their quest for more outreach opportunities.

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