1065 Methodology for Quantitative Precipitation Estimation by Using a Model of Error Correction by a Kalman Filter

Wednesday, 15 January 2020
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Carlos Minjarez-Sosa, Universidad de Sonora, Hermosillo, SO, Mexico

It will be presented a novel methodology to estimate precipitation by employing cloud-to-ground lightning occurrences but in a different way than never have been used.

Precipitation is one of the more difficult variables to estimate in the whole water cycle because its spatio-temporal variability. Over the years, several methods and techniques have been used to estimate this variable, Rain gauges, Radars, Satellite, Disdrometers weather models or a combination of some or all of these techniques. However, to date, this problem still been an issue and because its important impact in other areas, any improvement in the estimation is beneficial in all application fields.

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