11.4 Precision Navigation and the Dynamic Under Keel Clearance Project in the Port of Long Beach

Thursday, 16 January 2020: 9:15 AM
158 (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Karsten Uil, Charta Software, Rotterdam, CA, Netherlands


Precision Navigation and the Dynamic Under Keel Clearance Project in the Port of Long Beach

Captain Kip Louttit

25 July 2019

The Dynamic Under Keel Clearance (UKC) project in the port of Long Beach is an example of shared value and powerful collaboration between the public and private sectors to form a partnership using modern science and technology to increase the safety, environmental stewardship, and efficiency, for large deep draft tankers entering Long Beach. If a 1,100 foot tanker pitches just one degree, the resulting increase in draft is almost 10 feet. Formerly, the Go/No-Go decision to enter port with these tankers was made using swell warnings, wave buoy reports, experience, seaman’s eye, and observed pitch and roll far enough offshore to permit “bail-out” before committing to the channel.

The UKC Project successfully developed a precision navigation system which inputs ship and environmental information, calculates vertical ship motion using a computer model, and then calculates resulting under keel clearance and bottom touch probability. Thus, science and technology are available to help determine if the tankers are within motion limits to enter port and help harbor pilots and the tanker’s captain make the Go/No-Go decision.

The goals of the project are to increase the safety and efficiency, and reduce emissions of importing oil into Long Beach. The Project became operational in April 2017 and all goals of the project are being met. As of July 2019, more than 60 tankers have safely entered the Port of Long Beach using the Dynamic Under Keel Project’s technology and processes.

The session will discuss the development, technology, status of the project, and unique partnership that was formed to execute the project.

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