6A.3 Streamlining Research to Operations by Utilizing Best Practices with NOAA’s VLab

Tuesday, 14 January 2020: 2:00 PM
252A (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Kenneth S. Sperow, CIRA NOAA/NWS, Arroyo Grande, CA; and J. E. Burks and S. B. Smith

NOAA’s Virtual Lab (VLab) provides many tools to aid in collaboration among NOAA entities and their partners including software development collaboration. VLab also encourages the use of software development best practices. Examples of software development best practices will be discussed and how they can be applied to the development of software within the meteorological community. Use cases for software version control, code review, and automated building of software will be covered providing a complete set of end-to-end software development best practices. The application of these software development best practices are applicable not just in VLab but in many other software development services (e.g., GitHub.com).
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