8.1 Dr. Tetsuya Fujita: Perspectives from Japan

Wednesday, 15 January 2020: 8:45 AM
104A (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Jennifer Henderson, CIRES, Boulder, CO

This presentation will provide an update to work on a biographical narrative of Dr. Fujita that illuminates his early life and career in Japan. In particular, the presentation will focus on a recent two-week trip to various towns and cities in Japan to talk to remaining members of Dr. Fujita’s family, visit sites relevant to his work and life, and hold conversations with those who knew or were influenced by him. As part of the 100th Anniversary of AMS, which is also the 100th anniversary of Dr. Fujita's birth, this presentation connects to the broader conference theme of linking knowledge to society, which Dr. Fujita did on numerous occasions through his research agenda and ethical commitments to solving real-world problems.
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