71 Observations of Stable Isotopes in Rainwater in Madison, Wisconsin

Monday, 13 January 2020
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
S. S. Lindstrom, Univ. of Wisconsin–Madison/CIMSS, Madison, WI; and T. Shriver and D. Schoeller

Rainwater samples in Madison WI were collected (between May and November 2019) and analyzed with a Picarro Cavity Ringdown Spectrometer to ascertain the stable isotopes within the rain. 18O and D2O values were surprisingly variable (from -3 to -10 and from -15 to -73, respectively); This presentation will detail the approximately two dozen stable isotopes values and compare them to radar composites and weather patterns to determine whether that variability is a function of the forcing mechanism of the rainfall and/or the moisture source.
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
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