8B.1 Improving Field-Driven R2O in the NWS through SOO–DOH collaboration

Wednesday, 15 January 2020: 8:30 AM
251 (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Louis W. Uccellini, NOAA/National Weather Service, Silver Spring, MD; and D. T. Myrick

Science and Operations Officers (SOOs) and Development and Operations Hydrologists (DOHs) lead local R2O projects and the transition new research and technology into National Weather Service (NWS) operations. Managing field developed innovations is a challenge in large, geographically diverse organizations like the NWS. Reports by the National Academy of Sciences (2012) and National Academy of Public Administration (2013) recommended the NWS improve processes for managing R2O projects.

In 2015, the NWS convened a national meeting of SOOs and DOHs to discuss how the R2O process could be improved. A coordinated vision for collaborating on R2O projects was discussed, leveraging NOAA’s Virtual Laboratory for project coordination and management and a pathway to operations through NOAA’s Testbeds and Operations Proving Ground. SOOs and DOHs were challenged to collaborate on projects national and regional in scope, that would benefit multiple operational units, creating fewer stovepipes.

The major deliverable from the 2015 national meeting was the establishment of the National SOO-DOH Projects initiative by the NWS Office of Science and Technology Integration. To date, more than 20 projects have been initiated to work on national and regional R2O challenges. The scope of projects range from the development of forecaster tools, to model evaluations, to the development of new training materials. This presentation will introduce this special session by describing the vision for R2O collaboration and provide background on the National SOO-DOH projects initiative.

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