1.1 Keeping up with the Data Revolution with SOS Explorer Mobile

Monday, 13 January 2020: 10:30 AM
258C (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Hilary Peddicord, CIRES/Univ. of Colo., Boulder, CO; and E. Hackathorn, E. L. Russell, K. Searight, and J. Stewart

Modern society is awash with data.These observations and measurements are digital - they tell complex stories in the language of mathematics, physics, and chemistry. Most humans, however, are intensely visual.

NOAA has mastered the challenge with the revolutionary 3-D Science On a Sphere (SOS) and Science On a Sphere Explorer (SOSx), which is now available as a FREE APP on your tablet or smartphone!

NOAA has been spreading data and scientific literacy worldwide with SOS for nearly two decades with real-time and archived weather, climate, land use, ocean, and space environmental datasets. SOSx Mobile displays NOAA and NASA observations and computer model animations right from a classroom tablet or telephone.

In this demonstration, we will go through some Phenomena - based examples of how to use SOSx Mobile in a facilitated or flipped classroom or in an informal science workshop dedicated to increasing data literacy for a 21st century student.

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