3B.8 Connections between the Surface-Level Ozone-Temperature Relationship and the Eddy-Driven Jet Stream

Monday, 13 January 2020: 3:45 PM
206B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Gaige Hunter Kerr, The Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, MD; and D. W. Waugh

Observational and modeling studies report nearly ubiquitously a positive relationship between surface-level temperature and ozone (O3): an increase in temperature leads to an increase in O3. We investigate this relationship in the Northern Hemisphere during boreal summer (JJA). While our findings support these previous studies, which have largely focused on industrialized areas in the mid-latitudes, we find the relationship between O3 and temperature to be varied outside the mid-latitudes in both observations and chemistry transport model (CTM) simulations, and we identify large regions outside the mid-latitudes characterized by a very weak or even negative O3-temperature relationship. This spatial pattern appears to be linked to the latitude of the eddy-driven jet stream. Within a latitudinal band roughly 15° poleward and equatorward of the mean latitude of the jet, both O3 and temperature increase with poleward movement of the jet, and there is a positive O3-temperature relationship. Outside of this band, O3 and temperature behave differently to shifts of the jet, and there is a weak or negative O3-temperature relationship. CTM experiments with time-invariant chemistry and idealized tracers suggest that transport - not chemistry or emissions - drives this relationship, which persists across seasons and for non-photochemically reactive species with different source regions. Our analysis indicates that the jet-surface O3 connections occur due to movement of cyclones and anticyclones with the jet. These results suggest that the relationship between O3 and temperature is much more intricate than higher temperatures simply leading to faster photochemical reaction rates or increased emissions: rather, changes in temperature must also be cast in terms of their changes in synoptic-scale transport regimes.
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