In addition, the TES team at JPL has been processing multispectral retrievals of ozone using combinations of satellites such as TES and the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) and the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) with OMI. This multispectral work is being done as part of the (Multi-Spectra, Multi-Species, Multi-Sensors Retrievals of Trace Gases (MUSES) project. We will present validation analysis for the TES/OMI and AIRS/OMI ozone products as well. The MUSES ozone data products will provide ozone profiles from space with similar vertical sensitivity as seen by TES and allow a continuation of the TES ozone data record. In the case of the AIRS/OMI product the new ozone retrievals will provide much broader spatial sampling than TES was able to provide.
In addition to providing information on the different satellite ozone products from TES and MUSES, we will show examples of scientific analyses being done utilizing the MUSES and TES products. These examples include use of assimilation of ozone data products into models to understand emission controls over South Korea or to extend time series analysis of pollution export across the Pacific Ocean and the use of the satellite ozone data in air quality applications.