Wednesday, 15 January 2020: 9:15 AM
253B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Edward Grigsby, NASA, Greenbelt, MD; and P. Sullivan, D. T. Lindsey, J. McCorkle, and A. Krimchansky
A new era is beginning for NOAA’s operational satellite observing systems enterprise with a well-founded focus on formulating and implementing a vision for the future of NOAA’s Nationally-critical weather satellite constellation systems. NOAA/NESDIS, working in concert with their longtime partner NASA, is working to meet the challenge of laying the foundation for a future geosynchronous observational capability by embracing an evolution to a more mission-effective, integrated, adaptable, and affordable space-based architecture while responding to changing technology, emerging partnerships and evolving observation requirements. As part of this foundational work, NOAA/NESDIS and NASA have committed to exploring the cost-efficient trade space of observational requirements in multiple elements of that vision. To complement the ever-increasing body of knowledge used to enable decisions for the future geosynchronous observational capability implementation, the NOAA/NASA team is striving to provide due diligence to value assertions for potential measurement capabilities. Through a thorough and thoughtful process, the NOAA/NESDIS/OSAAP team has identified a future geosynchronous observational capability trade domain that could potentially include a hyperspectral sounder in geostationary orbit that could provide both higher resolution atmospheric soundings and contribute to knowledge of atmospheric motion vectors.
This paper describes the process, products and interim findings of an effort chartered to assess the potential inclusion of an InfraRed Hyperspectral Radiometric Spectrometer capability in the next generation GEO weather satellite constellation. The author will describe the process of codifying a scientifically-objective review of the current state-of-the-science analysis of potential value to the National Weather service applications for: weather prediction on the regional and global scales – including severe storm predictions; vertically resolved radiances; and potential value to winds at all geographic scales. The discussion will also contain a status of the team’s understanding of the potential benefit of current and future hyperspectral instruments in geostationary orbit including the existing Chinese-implemented Geosynchronous Interferometric Infrared Sounder (GIIRS) and the European work on the Meteosat Third Generation – InfraRed Sounder (MTG-IRS). Finally, a description will be provided of the team’s work to incorporate industry feedback on potential instrument configuration analysis that will explore the identified cost-efficient trade space of the potential InfraRed Hyperspectral Radiometric Spectrometer observational capability.

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

- Indicates an Award Winner