35 Interactive and Accessible Satellite Meteorology with WebGL

Monday, 13 January 2020
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Clayton Suplinski, Univ. of Wisconsin–Madison Space Science and Engineering Center, Madison, WI; CIMSS, Madison, WI; and J. O. Robaidek

The University of Wisconsin-Madison Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC) Satellite Data Services ingests and distributes data from over 12 different low Earth orbiting and 10 different geostationary weather satellites. Communicating to the public how these satellites function can be challenging. One approach we have taken for this problem is in the form of an interactive 3D web page.

This project, referred to as WxSatS (Weather Satellites at SSEC), utilizes computer graphics and web-based technologies to effectively demonstrate key concepts of satellite meteorology. WxSatS is an interactive 3D visualization of weather satellites, ground stations, and near real-time global cloud imagery. WxSatS has proven to be a useful tool for illustrating how satellites orbit the Earth, showing different coverages for satellite instruments, identifying large-scale cloud formations, explaining the differences between types of satellites, and demonstrating how data gets transmitted to ground stations.

Unlike other satellite visualization tools, WxSatS is based in JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and WebGL. This allows users to run WxSatS from desktops, laptops, and mobile devices without having to install any dependencies. It also has WebVR support for devices like the Oculus Quest, which allows users with virtual reality headsets to load WxSatS in an immersive setting. WxSatS has been used in classroom settings and was received with positive reactions.

Initial steps towards integrating Web Map Tile Services into WxSatS are underway, which will allow the visualization of many additional types of global data. Other features in development include visualizing custom weather products, implementing 3D Earth terrain, adding other planets, integrating select posts from the popular CIMSS Satellite Blog, displaying 3D isosurface data exported from McIDAS-V, and incorporating high-resolution tornado simulation model data.

WxSatS can be found at https://www.ssec.wisc.edu/datacenter/wxsats

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