8.1 Reflection on the Development of the Meteorological Broadcast Industry under the Background of Omni-Media in China

Wednesday, 15 January 2020: 1:30 PM
204AB (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Liang Huang, Jiangsu Meteorological Service Center, Nanjing, China; and S. Pei and Y. Wang

Along with the rapid development of the media, especially the rapid development of new media, information dissemination way is no longer limited, television, newspapers, radio, Internet, phone, mobile phone has become a tool for transmitting information, such as amalgamation of the cross and various media diversified development is more and more obvious, entered media era, information dissemination. Omni-media refers to making full use of media carriers to comprehensively integrate different media, such as radio, television and Internet, which have common ground but are complementary to each other, in terms of manpower, content and publicity, so as to achieve a new mode of communication featuring "resources accommodation, content integration, publicity and interests’ integration". The issues discussed in this paper are as follows:

(1) The history and current situation of China's meteorological broadcast industry are elaborated through detailed data and facts. In recent years, the general trend is that the attention of traditional media continues to decline and internet media rise. Since 2012, the growth of advertising revenue of the whole meteorological broadcast industry has slowed down obviously, especially the provincial meteorological broadcast industry revenue, most of which have stagnated or even declined.

(2) Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the development of China's meteorological broadcast industry in the media background from the perspective of political environment, social and economic environment and the development environment of meteorological broadcast self.

(3) Combined with the cooperation cases of traditional media and emerging media, this paper gives the development ideas and suggestions of China's meteorological broadcast industry in the era of omni-media: continue to promote media integration and focus on strengthening the application of video network platform; implement brand strategy comprehensively, strengthen promotion and marketing and constantly improve popularity; innovation and technology to take the lead, differentiation strategy.

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